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Parrot Doesn’t Want To Share His Treat With The Dog. But What The Dog Does Next?? HILARIOUS!

Each of us has a favorite snack. And for the cute little animals in the video above, it's strawberry yogurt. The parrot was enjoying his surprise when, suddenly, his dog friend decided to try. And then the pet battle began. It's very funny because none of us can share. This is pure chaos! The puppy and the parrot fight for their yogurt rights and it's really fun. The poor bird is confused because the dog is stealing his dessert just under his nose, but despite his small size, this brave boy does not give up at all. You'll be in points when you see this fun tug of war between them!
Parrot Doesn’t Want To Share His Treat With The Dog. But What The Dog Does Next?? HILARIOUS! Parrot Doesn’t Want To Share His Treat With The Dog. But What The Dog Does Next?? HILARIOUS! Reviewed by Funny on September 15, 2019 Rating: 5

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