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Newborn Fawn Walks To A Little Girl. But Wait Till You See What The Little Girl Does Next…

Sometimes, wild animals end up venturing into human territory. Humans are invading more than their lands and it is not surprising that some of these creatures occasionally roam the human lawn. Some are quite careful with humans, but the adorable little fawn that appears in the video below is not one of them. Maya and her father, Brad Herring, were unpacking the car after a trip in a canoe, when a small fawn stumbled into their yard and fell into Maya's arms. Brad says the fawn followed Maya's every step after that and they were pretty inseparable from the moment they met. They assumed that the mother was probably recovering from the birth, so Maya brought the fawn back into the forest
Newborn Fawn Walks To A Little Girl. But Wait Till You See What The Little Girl Does Next… Newborn Fawn Walks To A Little Girl. But Wait Till You See What The Little Girl Does Next… Reviewed by Funny on September 15, 2019 Rating: 5

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